Birthday month

                    Image result for vintage birthday flowers

I truly believe in The Ancient Art Of Making One's Birthday Last For Quite A While.

In fact, I encourage it.

And this year, which was a Big number, I celebrated with:

  • 3 cafe jaunts
  • 1 family and friends soiree
  • 3 dinners out
  • lots of presents, despite my "no presents" decree
  • a birthday massage with a top healer
  • 3 floral bouquets
  • 4 birthday cakes
  • a complete pile of new summer clothes from one of my daughters
  • sketchers slip on summer shoes from a grand-daughter
  • and a big hair appointment from my other daughter

A good and delicious time, overall. And, a good-looking one, too.

But, there is more happening in the way of celebrating. Lucky me. I am so going to celebrate my birthday again next year. In many years past, I have just skipped the whole birthday thing. But now, I am enjoying the fun of it all. 

Astrology hints

And I had a birthday gift of an astrology overall reading for the rest of my year, birthday to birthday, plus a more detailed six month reading. So, my astrologer, actually my eldest daughter, has always said that, astrologically - wise, however our birthday is on the actual day, does influence the rest of our year. 

And, I have found this to be so true. I have had many a blewh year, when my birthday was ho-hum. 

So, despite the two celebrations that I had on my actual birthday, it looks as though this year is more of the same as before but a bit more serious. And, it all bodes well for more of what I already do:

  • writing
  • teaching deep yoga, which will be seminars
  • more indepth study with Maori healing
  • clairvoyant work
  • lots of family time

So, this is over the next six months. Some problems, but, hey, that's life. I am quite excited, though, at this solar year (birthday to birthday)


  1. Happy birthday! I believe in celebrating each birthday. Especially now. When I was 59, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I didn't know if I would live to see my 60th birthday. Ever since then, each birthday is a precious gift! One I accept with deep gratitude.

  2. Gosh, Bless. Best wishes for many, many happy future birthdays.

  3. Bless, how nice of you to comment. I wish you many, many, many, lovely birthdays to come.

  4. I said write yoga classes and courses lol

  5. Happy day! My apologies for the belated wishes. I feel like I'm finally coming up for air after a long stretch underwater. Wishing you blessings this year and many more to come! (I have a friend who celebrates her whole birth month by doing something special each day!)


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