a week of preparation for 2020

the new year thing:

 2020 preparation

(my new Frankie 2020 calendar)

a week of organising

Wow. I'm a bit overwhelmed as I've just started a new at-home
business. As if still studying te reo Maori (mostly at home);
doing healings and readings at home; teaching some yoga
private classes out and about; and blogging, weren't enough.
Not to mention family and friends as well. Overkill, that's me.

But life leads us all in strange directions. For me, the direction

that I have felt for a few years that I should be taking, but was
too insecure and too worried about other people's opinions,
to actually do, has finally arrived.

The Good Ole Universe has supplanted my own wee moi-iverse

and pushed and shoved me into What I Should Be Doing. Eeks!
Terror! Strangely, an astrologer told me decades ago what I
should be doing, and I did do it. But in groups, in a share the
glory way. Which, truth be told, was definitely not the best way
for me. Quite the opposite, actually.

I need to organise myself

Yes, I do. I am quite organised already, but not enough. So I

thought that I would start 2020 AD, with a week of organising
myself. And hopefully there will be some ideas for you, too.
Maybe some will be too pathetic, and maybe some too weird,
but…. Maybe. 

And hopefully you will in turn let me know any useful ideas and

Back in One Of The Day/s everyone except moi was rushing to
Money And You seminars, and How To Do Business; Be Positive;
do firewalking; etc etc (as so many of us did do), I had Been Doing
Business for years, but I didn't not go. I didn’t have the money
for one thing, and I wasn’t attracted to all of these methods
being presented. But one of my friends very cleverly took everything
on board, business wise, and headed off in a revolutionary new
direction using her current knowledge and all of these new
systems. But I didn’t really see too many of my other associates
do that. 

Why am I mentioning all of this? I guess it’s about knowing when
and how to use what we learn that’s new, and apply it to our
existing talents and knowledge. Oh, guess what? That’s what I’m
intending to do. 

proper prior preparation

This is one of the principles presented Back In Those Days by a
highly successful training group. In organisation, teamwork and
business. They trained all of the hoi-poloi such as famous yachties,
football teams, important  corporations. Big names all. And I love
this tip of proper prior preparation. There were more “p” words to
it, but I forget what they were. It’s about being organised and
preventing problems, really. 

Doing the right things, in advance, for what you are going to do.
Getting everything together. And, in my case, organising myself a
bit better. For what I’m going to be doing. And for my life. I also
want to get personal stuff organised so that I stop doing the
double-Libran procrastinating thing. Putting off things because I
haven’t organised my moi stuff and fitted it in. Am I alone in this?
I suspect not. And then not being able to take this course of
action. Or that one. Just because, in my Libran way, I can't
decide which one to do.

Which is just so exhausting and not rewarding. And certainly not

How do you sort out this sort of dilemma?


  1. Hope you get everything organised, and that 2020 will be good to you! :)


    1. thanks Nicoline, and as they say: "back at you!" Best wishes for you


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