Restore time again

 It is definitely time again, for me to do some renewing, restoring, resetting. I can feel this in every part of my being

How could I have stopped doing this every week? I love my wee red tin, and putting flowers into it. Now (guiltily) resumed. 

Why does it even matter? Sometimes, I've found that we put our life on hold for various good reasons, and then it's time to get back to being oneself. Pick up the pieces, so to speak.

I've done two separate one week restores, a different aspect for each day, and to get my mojo back, I thought that I'd do it again. To inspire myself, and hopefully others as well.

My first aspect is Time.

Why would time even matter? After all, it exists anyway. I had been so busy and feeling quite overwhelmed at fitting my life into my time. You may have noticed that I had seldom been posting on my blog. 

I just felt that everything that I wanted to do, was going to take so long, and that the daily things that I do, like home stuff, was taking up all of my life. Well, I hadn't been doing the extra things, simply because I felt as though I didn't have time. And I was also so tired with the busyness of my life.

The key for me, was finding out how much time that the things I needed and wanted to do, took.

What a revelation! Seriously. A blog post - an hour or thereabouts. And I could do it in ten minute increments, if necessary.

My daily chores had been feeling that they required so much time and energy. Tidying up my bed? Thirty seconds. Making my bed? Maybe one to two minutes. Which of course is no time at all. Vacuuming my wee abode? Ten minutes, maximum. When I looked at my daily have-to things around my home, it was easy to see that if I tackled things a bit at a time, nothing really was overwhelming. Not at all. I just had to do everything quickly, and not let things build up into a multitude of chores. And really, I didn't have to feel as though I was spending all of my time doing chores.

Amazing how our mind plays tricks on us. 

It seems that when we look at things as a whole, that's when it all seems like a dreaded lurgy, hanging over our heads. Breaking everything up into small, doable, quick tasks has changed this. (Thank you, Universe)

I read somewhere, years ago, that it takes three minutes to quickly clean one's face and put on moisturiser, at nights. That's so little time. I have to be really sick not to clean my face, and brush my teeth each evening. Teeth? Two minutes at most.

I got over my precious woe is me that I didn't have time, was too tired to elaborately scrub up in the shower with my over-the-top "must dos". I know now that I can shower (which of course I'm doing anyway), and instead of moping under the shower for ages and wasting time, I can have a quick scrub with my shower mitts, put some oil on my body, wrap a towel around my torso and leave it to air dry, all under ten minutes. I feel a bit ashamed that I had felt that things were  unachievable in the morning get-ready-for-the-day. Of course I clean myself every day, but the oiling - why did I think that there was no time for that? I do have to often leave the house at 6am, so morning time is precious.  

Seriously, I've been looking at everything with a view to: how long does this take to do quickly. And I would have to say that it has taken me out of feeling burdened and overwhelmed. Truly.

And gotten me back to my blog..... Which is great, because I do so love blogging.

Does anyone have any time tips? I would love to hear them.

You might also like:

** A very relevant post about clean and tidy here

** Restoring oneself after unwellness here

** A simple, short restorative yoga routine here
