I've been re-coloured beautiful!!

                                 Image result for soft autumn fashion colours

I had my appointment with Beverley Cole to get my colours & make-up sorted. Here is the irony of it all: I've had 3 colour sessions with this & that person over 26 years, including 1 when I was trained to do a more simplified colour version than Bev does, with Grace Cosmetics. The general consensus with these other colour people was that I was a winter...I suppose the darkish skin & the black hair (now not quite so black I must admit), were the deciding factors.

But it always made me a bit confused, as I can see auras. And I had seen apricot & a light warm aqua green over my chest. When we are of a warm colouring we have apricot meridian lines which you can see in the aura, & they are clear pink in cool toned people. I look good in apricot, peach & ivory: all warm colours. I just wasn't happy with a lot of the winter colours, as they didn't feel like "me". But I wore them anyway. After all, I was going by what the experts had said.

I am, of course, a warm colouring, with lots of apricot tones suiting me. A muted, soft, warm, person, & I am quite soft & warm in my personality too, & the colours that Bev gave me. And this was done very carefully over several hours. I loved the colours, they were delicious!! I finally was starting to look like I felt. marrying the 2 is so important...how we look & how we feel. I also got my make-up & hair colour sorted.

I had to take a piece of favourite clothing & a picture of how I would like my home to look. Well, these all were pronounced "feminine", & as a "winter" I had not been doing the feminine thing...but over the coming months, that is all going to change!!

Anyway, the other great news is that Bev, who does fashion & colour feng shui, Carolyn de Silva who will be presenting crystals, & chakra colours, & myself, the aura lady, are doing a Colour My World presentation at Bev's lovely home: 4 Ototori Rd, Titirangi, on Sunday 20th September, 2pm. It's byo, if wished, plus a wee plate of finger food to share.

So, if you contact me at: ratnamurti108@gmail.com, facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ratnamurti.saraswati.....ph 021 265 0720
or Carolyn at https://www.facebook.com/carolyn.desilva

we can give you any extra info....& you can book in also via either of us
