Christmas Carols Down Under

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Recently I was at the local (small) mall, and a group of Gospel singers started singing Christmas carols and such, in a really Gospel way, Polynesian style, which is extremely melodic and upbeat, but less "dramatic" than, say, American Gospel singers. 

Interdenominational, so it's open to all to join. All dressed in black, which, by the way, is sort of our National colour. (All Blacks, anyone?) I know that to those from the Northern climes, that wearing black in the summer heat, does seem a bit strange. But that's us. 

I loved the singing. And I also loved that a teenage girl did Samoan dancing for one of the songs. So lovely. Plus the boy aged about 7 or 8, who sang a solo. 

In Auckland we have a famous choir who sing each Christmas at a big Cathedral in Parnell. I've been once, and loved that too. And a small church in a small town called Huntly to join in Christmas carols, many moons ago. Plus.... a lovely church in the Inner City part of Auckland..again, many, many moons ago on Christmas Eve. 

I imagine that in the colder countries, Carolers are merrily caroling. And we do have groups here who do too, but it usually involves us going somewhere to listen, or join in.

But... school and University are finished for the years... and it's Christmas get together time... but mostly... we are at the beach.  
