the secret is...

What is The Secret?

No, no, not the Secret in the book entitled The Secret. Not one of my favourite books, by the way. It's just too greedy for me. And, in a round-about-way, I find the whole darned thing to be too blamey: "If only one had focused on drawing....... into their life, then ........ would have happened, and .......wouldn't have happened".

So easy. And to me, so silly. And, a few of the people in the book, those amazing people who had it all sorted, apparently. At the time of the book going to print, some of them came to grief. They did the opposite of whatever ethics something like The Secret should have imparted. And things did not work out.

Secret #1

I'm not saying that, therefore the "wisdom" imparted in that book, doesn't work. I am however, saying, why not use what we have, in life?

Why not learn how to be happy with what there is? When we are relying on what we want, in order to be happy, then we shall never be truly happy.

Sad fact.

Secret #2

And, it seems that this is all tied in with gratitude. For, when we are grateful, we mysteriously are happier.

There is another secret, #3

The secret of anything is in the Doing of "It". What is "It"? "It" is whatever we are doing, and seeing as I made rude comments about The Secret book and method, I shall look at it from this angle.

Suppose we want something to happen? And being me, I actually, really, want it all done yesterday. But the sane part of me knows that will never happen. That voice of reason inside of me, knows that I truly do need to do things, for Whatever to happen.

Seeing as I don't want:
  • a fancy car
  • big house by the ocean (but I would settle for renting a wee abode on the seashore)
  • to be rich and famous (but humble and kind!)
  • etc
I therefore shall look at what I do want. One of the things, is to be more slender. And it is happening. But, oh so slowly. (gggrrr) What am I going to do to change things?
  • can I visualise it happening and attract it to me? Visualisation definitely helps. Messages do get through to our pysche and our body, that this would be a good idea. And I have found it easier to do the things that I need to do, and "think" the way that I need to think, to get to my goal, by doing visualisation about the weight loss. So, yes, definitely this part of The Secret does work. But for me, not on it's own. And I have found that I need to be very disciplined, and keep remembering to do visualisation.
  • maybe a vision board? Sadly, for me, this hasn't really helped too much in the past. But again, that's just moi. It could be that I wasn't doing it right, for me. However, I love books! So I made vision folders, which have been helping me, but, meh, not much.
  • affirm to The Universe that I would like to be more slender, thank you very much. Right now. I love this, and it has helped me heaps. But I shall be honest. Very honest. I don't demand it. I don't even ask for it. I mean, does The Universe even have time to do this for me? In between creating new galaxies and such? Is my weight a Universe priority?
Instead I state that I do certain things, pertaining to weight loss. And this is what has been of the most benefit to me.

Because what works for me, is that perhaps, perchance, I really do need to actually do whatever is needed to lose that darned weight? Botheration!

The special secret gives us mana

I think that this is the real secret. We actually have to do something/s to achieve. Because a lot of things in life, are about the process of doing. That's the learning curve. That's where and how we get mana (personal power). From doing, and learning, and growing, or in my case I would prefer a type of shrinking, but you get the drift.

secret #4

                   Related image

secret #5

                     Image result for sufi quotes on the secrets of life

I also feel that we need to attach love to The Doing Of. It is such a strong force, and fills up a lot of space so that it's quite hard for the negative aspects towards our goals, our dreams, to take a hold and thereby make it hard for things to happen in a positive way.

Secret #6

For myself, I often feel that several secrets, working in tandem with each other, give a massive push towards It, the goal, the dream. After all no man is an island, nor, and this is just me, is one secret an island. 
