when life is topsy turvy

                    Image result for chaos and harmony

topsy turvy; upside down; things going awry; whatever

Sometimes it just happens. Everything goes crazy. And lots of things happen. All at once. And not easy; just darned difficult. How on earth do we get through it all?

I think that we just cope and do our best. Even if the coping is a bit suss, and our best is not that great but is only what we can do at the time. Sometimes we just have to let go and step into a new abyss of change and confusion. Because we can't actually stop it.

abyss: deep chasm; situation of catastrophe

Of course I am talking about moi, here. Getting across a bottomless chasm; coping with fast chaos, everything going wrong, left, right and centre. All at once. Spinning like a top, doing my best. After all, what else can one do?

But I can also get all New Agey, which actually I really dislike doing. Being a New Age person. In these instances, though, I remember something that Stuart Wilde said. This man was New Age before everyone else. He called such a situation a Quickening. When things speed up. So fast that we feel as though we are reeling. And it's all to do with change. Of course. I have experienced it so often. Sometimes it feels as though The Universe is pushing us into a direction, by making things so difficult that we must go the only way that is clear, for us. Which ironically, is the way that we were supposed to be going anyway. 

This is like a cosmic trick. And a very clever one, at that.

Why? O why does this happen, O Universe?

Now, I must clarify myself here: I have often felt that The Universe in all of it's unknown majesty and glory, might just just have more important things to do, than worry about me. You know, new nebulae, new galaxies, cosmic storms, different levels of Life, parallel Universes. I mean, when I look at all of these, my wants and needs do fade somewhat, into the ether. I am just not a universal priority.

But in the moi-iverse, (or, it's all about me), each of us is a priority. And, within this, and is this just me? Sometimes we forget that. Sometimes we forget that we might be going down the wrong road in our Life. I do clairvoyant readings where people come and ask Highly Meaningful Things, like: what direction should I be taking? And I answer. Clairvoyantly, of course. About the Right Path for that person.

Sometimes I am quite sure that I need a Secret Me to do just that. I might know when I'm not on the right path, but having this Me to hassle me along would be wonderful. Saying Important Things things like: 

  • tumultuous stuff coming, but it won't last
  • clearing the decks of what is not needed for you
  • things will get better
  • all things must pass (another of Mum's, and now my, sayings)
  • be grateful
  • get some sleep
  • eat better
  • have faith in yourself

Ah yes, I definitely need a Me.
