when problems disappear

                            Image result for sufi quote on healing

Suddenly it just happens....

boom! A whole pile of problems just disappear into the ether. But, is it the problems going, or our emotional "stuff" to do with them?

where do they disappear to?

Chuckle. I don't know. But they do. Or rather, our deep seated feelings about them do. Just go, that is. And as to where, well, I don't know. But always, for myself, I am so glad when they do. 

I was working on a close friend, recently, doing a healing session for them. And suddenly there it was. In my face. taunting me. I just resolutely kept ignoring it, brushing it aside, and kept going with the healing. And in that moment, it was gone. I was no longer affected. 

Freaking wow. Thank you Universe, or The Powers That
Be. Whomsoever, or whatsoever.

how does it happen?

As a healer, when I am working on someone, I completely understand the process. But it is, I feel, so much harder to heal oneself, on one's own. I honestly feel that when the time is right, that there is a wee window of opportunity for things to happen. And that all sorts of unseen forces create the space. 

  • we might just have a life changing epiphany, an understanding about some deep angst, which completely changes us
  • a person might be going to a therapist
  • or a healer
  • we can even realise that we are just simply Over Something.

No more "trying" to be unaffected; we just are. Over. It. And this is what happened to me. In a heartbeat.

As a healer and clairvoyant, I know in my heart that we must each walk our own journey. Others may reach out a hand here and there, but it is our Path to traverse. I, for one, am so grateful to all of the people in my lifetime who have so freely given me help when I needed it. 

I did aura healing for fifteen years before becoming involved in Maori healing. So, aura healing is quite ethereal: love, light and happiness. Very little physical contact. Very profound. To be honest, originally I was only interested in the deep ancient spirituality of Maori. But, my teacher insisted that I also do the healing modality. It took me a while to get my head around it all, as it was so different from aura healing.

Maori healing is much more physical than what I had been previously doing. I was so hurting emotionally when I first started with this new way (new to me), that I couldn't cope with being touched. Luckily I had a good teacher who respected this. I now sort of enjoy it. Being poked and manipulated and I love the way that it releases present life trauma. I also just love doing it. And I love it because things which have been causing us heartbreak... they just disappear. Into the ether. During a healing session.

Thank you Universe.


  1. When problems disappear... very often I find that I create my own problems! Often, I see problems where none exists! When, in fact, they are challenges that need to be overcome. :)

  2. It’s relieving to picture problems disappearing into the ether

    1. I could do with more of that Akasha... if you know what I mean.


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