2020 preparation: the home thing

the home thing

getting ready for 2020

         the start of plants in my home, from my daughters

Mysteriously, my lovely tidy home has silently morphed into being messy. Which easily can happen when I am overwhelmed. Which I have been. So this is my first area of organisation. I get quite fed up having to spend tons of time cleaning, which is what happens when I don't do little bits regularly. The current state and results of post-Christmas and New year disarray are:
  • I have had my code cracker puzzle book right next to where I sit for meditation. B-i-g mistake. Meditation was not happening because of it, but gee I am getting so good at those puzzles. Which have now gone into a cupboard where I can't see them
  • my te reo Maori workbooks were under a pile of folded washing. I have (unsuccessfully) been trying to use photographic memory to remember pages from my workbooks, believing, rightly or wrongly, that this will help my learning. Since this is failing miserably, it seemed that the washing piles had to be be put away, and proper revision put into place. Which is first thing after my morning must-dos. thirty to sixty minutes of relearning and I must say that it is getting easier 
  • I had all sorts of study and writing notes piled under the folded washing pile too, all over the place. I really have to have a new system of folders and such for all of this
  • More second hand books keep sneaking into my abode, from The Vintage Book fairy. A lot actually. I just can't help myself in this area. I just keep doing it, thinking: oh well, cheap reads. They need to be shared with an Op Shop
  • my kitchen is clean and sparkly which makes me not want to mess it up, by cooking. I suspect that I need to Get Over This and learn How To Do The Kitchen Thing. Especially as health and fitness are high on my list for 2020
  • I have been so disorganised and all of my new plans are a bit all over the place. I mention this in my messy house list, as I (mostly) work from home
  • I do actually know that my messy might be someone else's coziness
  • I have been a tad overwhelmed by it all
  • my fridge seems to always be empty

how I would like my home life to be

  • I often have friends over, so that's nice. And although I truly am a lazy cook, I actually can make nice vegan and gluten free foods. It is rewarding to cook for others, so more social times are in order, methinks
  • I like every thing neatly and somewhat anal-ly, put away so that I can live in a nice environment. I obviously need to do a bit more in this area 
  • I love flowers, and the smell of lavender essential oil or sandalwood incense, everywhere. Very feminine
  • I would love one of those bedrooms that look like a magazine bedroom, which is probably not going to happen, so I am going to find a nice compromise here
  • oh, and why not look nice myself in my home
  • I want to put out some potted plants for colour

All nice Libran type home aspirations. And do-able. So the above, yes, it is my new plan. It seems to be ongoing: 

  • cook (or not!)
  • clean
  • do washing
  • tidy sneaky hidden areas like cupboards
Always. Always. Ah, I've just realised my New Thing for 2020, in the home:

put away and clean as I go

Which I was previously doing. So maybe what I really need to do is:

  • to look at Things Which Overwhelm 
  • and What To Do About Them
so that I don't get so messy (for me) again.  Having too much to do in my life is definitely one of the reasons.

Again: I'm not alone in this? Surely not?


  1. No, you are not alone in this! LOL. There are, probably, a lot of us out there! My home has a tendency to become very messy in just a couple of days of not putting away and cleaning as I go! Then, I get overwhelmed by the mess and procrastinate doing anything about it. Because, I can't just put something away in the cupboard because the cupboard needs to be tidied, first, that's a big job, and who has the time to do that, now? My word of the year is "organized". I hope that, by the end of the year, I will feel I am organized!

  2. Ratnamurti, I am so glad you shared this post because it has inspired me to get organizing and straightening my work space. While the mess on my desk doesn’t often bother me, when it starts to bother me, it’s like a tragedy! I really need to clean it up. There are papers everywhere and probably most of it is junk that can be thrown away. A neat environment is definitely good for the soul!


  3. I can really relate. My "desk" is a tiny table, and gosh it can get so messy then it's a major job to clear it away. Properly.


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