self respect and mana

At a Maori healing seminar a few years ago, I'm the short lady on the left

self respect - so important

The previous post that I wrote, had amazingly positive feedback. I was surprised, as I had expected some problems from within social media. Only one person did this. Someone who did not know my life or background, but who knew me socially.

Why did I write it in the first place? I was inspired to as I'd recently had more intellectual property quietly stolen off me. And, out of respect for myself, I decided to stop being quiet about this sort of thing. It happens left, right and centre, and chips away at our mana, or power. 

a big lesson on mana

A few years ago, I went to a beautiful workshop on Mandelic Sounds. Great, I thought, must be about angels and stuff. I'm a clairvoyant so I do tend to think in unusual ways. But clearly my intuition wasn't working here. Because, hilariously, instead it was about mana. And the ways that mana gets chipped away at, ending in loss of self esteem, self worth, and self respect. We were such an excited group at the start, and became more and more sombre as the weekend went on. Because, the memories where we had experienced loss of mana, from early childhood onwards, came flooding out. And the trapped feelings behind each episode. There was an upside to this. I, for one, was determined to restore my personal power. I hadn't realised how badly it had been eroded. I am talking here about how one feels about oneself. 

there are many types of mana

There are other forms of mana, one of them being bestowed on us from others, for what we do. And when people steal off us, this sort of mana, is eroded. There is mana in earned knowledge, this too gets eroded. I know that when I give someone some secret knowledge that will benefit them as a person, a yoga teacher, or a healer, that this will enhance their own personal power. Which is great. It is how it should be. I know that their own self respect will be enriched. The person to whom I gave a lot of advanced yoga that isn't found in books, sadly passed away. I passed it onto her, because she'd done her time as a yogini and yoga teacher, and was so deeply spiritual. I felt honoured to share my knowledge with her. 

so, what can we do to restore our own self respect, our personal mana?

  • I am a great believer in connecting with a source greater than myself. Whatever that is to a person. Whether it be your form of God; angels; guides. Whomsoever. Whatsoever. I find that this gives me peace.
  • And with this, a lot of people find solace in prayer. I do meditation. That's my way, I've done it for decades  and it suits me.
  • Some people like affirmations. Or mantras. I found my spiritual "mantras" (to use a word that everyone understands) within twelve years of Maori healing and the "mantras" that we use to enhance the healing. They're not really mantras, they're more powerful than that. They are quite long, and I use these as appropriate, to restore my self respect as needed. I earnt these, put in my time, studied for them, and am proud to use them.
  • I am not the person to go to a counsellor on a regular basis. Although in the past, I have been for a short while and it helped me so much. Actually, all I did there was sob, to be honest. But there are people who benefit immensely from regular therapy. In a life altering way.
  • Because I'm a healer, I do believe that a good healer can make such a difference. However, I also know that not everyone is interested in this.
  • Being kind and thoughtful to others is so important. We earn self respect with ourselves and can sleep easy at nights. 
  • But most of all, being a decent person makes it easiest to like and live with ourselves.
what do you think about all of this?

** post on the okayness of having emotions here
** another about character and beliefs here
** post about regression and past lives here


  1. I love the way you discussed figurative mana. You are so right! Love these tips!

    1. There are so many types of mana, Laura. Each adding to a whole. It took me a long time to realise just how inportant it is.

  2. I think this is very interesting! Self-respect is a very important thing, isn't it? We need to like ourselves and who we are. :)


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