As days go by....

Titirangi Maori healing Clinic

Mondays except public holidays 5.30 -8.30pm

$40, for 30 minute session, no appointments needed.

Clinic news

Our Titirangi Maori Healing Clinic, Titirangi Community Centre, by the library, is going along really well. It's so interesting with the people who come for a session, everybody has a story. All of us. We have a native herb tea (kawakawa) on hand for all, and I was going to say snacks, but really it's more like supper. One of our healers plays the ukulele in between his mahi (work), so it's also melodious 😄. 

I seriously need to stop walking by Carolyn de Silva's table of crystals, smudgesticks.... and my downfall.... oils and such. I have three bottles of her Rose oil, kawakawa face balm with extra stuff in it (topical kawakawa increases the collagen in our skin), kawakawa balm (just because) and now.... Be Loved Spray for our body. It has essential oils and of course, crystals. (Carolyn is truly The Crystal Lady). 

Par-tay time

The Be loved spray is very different. I went to a party where I wore my new spray...... (just in case... 😁. Turned out to be totally unnecessary). Dragged out The Stevie Nicks clothes to bedeck myself. I'm sure that this style of dressing is a generation thing. 

My mornings

New travelling companions on the morning daycare run. Carefully strapped in by littlest grandchild. Usually there is just one, but baby bunny and baby turtle were the chosen ones that morning. My eldest daughter (and first born 💖) and youngest grandchild, have been the two who have been 100% into their dolls or cuddly toys. It's very lovely to see. And for me, it brings back so many special memories of being a young mum.

Monica Grenfell update

I'm still seriously following Monica's advice, as I mentioned in my previous post. And it's 100% for sorting out my (damaged) tummy. So far, I'm really pleased with how I'm going. Just had a couple of hiccups this past week, my bad to be honest, nothing to do with Monica. And of course, I also want to lose more weight which she is focusing on quite strongly. 

I have only had a couple of days where I've had to lie down for hours due to a crook stomach. Am so pleased. And grateful. And my food only got rejected once. (I know... too much info!!) So what caused these hiccups? It was food that I wasn't used to, and wouldn't normally eat. A little bit of lamb was diabolical for me.... And what caused things to get a lot better? (still not 100% better, but definitely a lot!) Based on Monica's advice, and I'll just mention a few things:

  • have a routine for your eating. I've (mostly) gotten into a really good pattern here. And it has been helping my stomach, a lot. Regularity does matter with our food as much as sleep etc  
  • moderation! No-where does Monica say you can't have a piece of cake, or nuts, or coffee. But moderation does count and looking at Monica.... it does work
  • habits. Ah.... often the crux of things. I have been looking at mine and now I am mysteriously going to bed earlier. Mainly because I want to feel good. Now, Monica hasn't actually broached the subject of sleep but it does fit into habits, regularity, and moderation. 
Unbelievably Monica is Of A Certain Age. No, that's not true. She is well past that. (A LOT past it) But she looks amazing. In an era of Having Work Done, strange diets, the latest and greatest of skin care, extreme exercise - Monica is not doing any of that. Never has. And of course, there are those of us who want to know How Does She Do It? well, I specifically want to know, to be honest. Hints: moderation, regularity, and habits. Just as a starter. 

Unfortunately, Monica has had big problems with facebook, and from time to time, does get posts removed by them, and even gets shut down. I am completely flummoxed by this, however it is apparently to do with fb rules and being an international site where some things may and may not, be said. And I'm assuming that different countries have different rules. When I look at some of the unmitigated rubbish that goes through my thread, I am so grateful whenever her site does get back up. Because, seriously, she is the voice of reason, scientific principles, and accumulated knowledge. 

Anyways, will let you know how I'm getting on. There is so much stomach and digestive upset around these days, not just with me. I've found Monica's dietary and habit advice to be great. She has decades as a clinical dietician and nutritionist, backing what she says. 

Will tackle the weight as tummy calms down even more.

Note: this is not a sponsored post. It's just me talking about my life.

Link to Global Unity Festivals on you tube, here. I'm in the Wave 1, Asia/Pacific episodes.

Link to a post explaining Global Unity Festivals, here  

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You might also be interested in these links:

here for a post about budget beauty

here for a post about wee ones and family

here more about our healing clinic


  1. Sounds like you are very busy! Hope your stomach ailments will go away soon. Wish you the best of health!

    1. Thanks, Bless. It's taken a while but am getting there xxx

  2. Yes, I practice moderation, too. It also helps to weed out people who make you feel sick to your stomach. I have felt a tugging in my solar plexus when around people who aren't healthy for me. Hope you find the right diet and routines for your health. I think a few treats do sweeten our life.

    1. That's an interesting comment, Stephenie, about treats. I'll definitely take that on board. That tugging in the gut.... best form of intuition, I feel.


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